2020 National Honey Board
Winner Best of Show
Winning Medals Every Year
Status as of 2023 - 2 Gold , 4 Silver and 4 Bronze
Join us in Drinking to the experience of now. Mead is the oldest fermented drink on earth and we bring this delicious history into the now with modern lower abv Session Mead and Honey Ciders.
Winning Medals Every Year
Status as of 2023 - 2 Gold , 4 Silver and 4 Bronze
Our Mead (Honey Wine) in the most basic sense is alcohol made from the fermentation of Honey. We start our batches using the finest varietal honey (as local as we can source when applicable ) then use fresh fruits and spices to create unique flavor combinations for your enjoyment. Even if you've "tried mead before", you should really give us a try... Zen Bee sets itself apart by creating Lower ABV 6.5% Session meads and Honey Cider which are easier to drink and meant to be enjoyed in the moment. They drink more akin to Hard Cider (except Better because "Honey")
Everyberry - Strawberries, Blueberry, Raspberry, Blackberries & Boysenberries
Pear of Peaches - Peaches & Pears
Pink Zilla - Strawberry & Vanilla
Bochet (Burnt Honey) with Blueberry, Blackberry & Blackcurrant
Cyser Mead (Apple) with Natural Mango and Peach
Cyser Mead (Apple) with
White Peach & Lychee (Bronze Medal Winner)
Plum Mead with touch Maraschino Cherry (Gold Medal Winner)
Mead with Raspberries
Coconut, Vanilla (lactose)
(Bronze Medal Winner)
Mead with Natural Orange Vanilla flavor (lactose)
Blueberry, Raspberry
and Marshmallow (Silver Medal Winner)
Mead with Banana and Peaches... sounds good.
Blueberry Mead with Natural Mapel Flavors
Cyser Mead with Chai and Apple Pie Spices.
Mead with Strawberries and Gooseberries
Mead with Natural Orange & Cranberry Flavor